IELTS LISTENING – Scandinavian Studies S23T3

IELTS LISTENING Scandinavian Studies BETH: Oh good morning. You must be James. I’m Beth Cartwright – please call me Beth. JAMES: Thank you. BETH: Now as this is your first tutorial since you started on the Scandinavian Studies course, I’d like to find out something about you. Why did you decide to take this course? […]


IELTS LISTENING Conflict at Work Over the years, attitudes towards workers have changed considerably. After all, there was a time when workers had no rights at all and laboured in appalling conditions. Conditions have improved a lot, but conflict in the workplace is still common. And human resources managers nowadays need to be able to […]

IELTS LISTENING – Theatre Trip to Munich S23T2

IELTS LISTENING Theatre Trip to Munich Right. I’ve now almost succeeded in finalising plans for our tour, so I’ll bring you up to date with what I know. As you know, we’re flying first to Munich, on Monday the 4th. The flight is at 11.30. so it’s too early to have lunch at the airport. Q11 […]

IELTS READING – How to run a successful project S4GT4

IELTS READING How to run a successful project A project manager’s main task is to bring a particular project to completion, both on time and within Q1 budget. There are many factors that can cause a project to veer off its tracks, but steps can be taken to ensure that your project experiences as little […]