Globalization and Educational Change
Advisor: Come in and take a seat.
Student: Thank you.
Advisor: Now you’ve made an appointment to see me with regard to one of the papers You want to enroll next semester.
Student: Yes, that’s right. It’s the globalization and educational change paper. GEC692
Advisor: Ah well, I know the one you mean, But all the code numbers are going to change next semester. So although the course name will stay the same, the code will be Q21 ED995. Not that you have to worry about that.
Attempt full listening test…
Student: But the content will be the same rights.
Advisor: Oh, yes. To a large extent, the objectives are still to provide you with the skills and knowledge for analyzing the challenges that globalization poses for education.
Student: Yes, that’s what I’m really interested in. The future of education. No where we are now, but where we’re heading
Advisor: Well, you’ll most likely enjoy the course because it will give you the opportunity not just to explore, but also to Q22 document the advancement of new educational developments.
Student: And will be quite a lot of analysis involved.
Advisor: Yes, obviously. But once you’ve examined how education has been affected by cultural values and Q23 socio-economic structures, you’ll go on to debate the pros and cons of the restructuring of public education in view of rapid globalization.
Student: I see. But when you say public education, do you mean worldwide?
Advisor: No, no, that would be far too large an undertaking for just one paper. You’d probably choose to work with the education system within your own state or country.
Student: Sounds interesting, but isn’t it a bit restrictive?
Advisor: Not at all. From there, you’d move on to explore the Q24 impact of internationalization on curriculum diversity in both developing and developed countries. Have you had a chance to look at the assessment criteria yet?
Student: Actually, I have, and it makes me a bit nervous just thinking about it.
Advisor: Why is that? Well, I see that the first assignment starts with an illustrated PowerPoint presentation to the rest of the class. I’ve never done one before.
Advisor: No need to worry you can get help with that. Anyway, this presentation isn’t braided. It’s what we call a formative assessment. The feedback you get will help you to finalize the Q25 written review.
Student: That’s a review off those academic articles in the first part of the reading list, right?
Advisor: Yes, but you only have to choose five of them. That first assignment is worth 30%.
Student: And the second assignment?
Advisor: There are two parts to that also and both are graded. 20 marks will go towards your participation in a Q26 seminar and then there’s a 5000 word essay which will be graded out of 50.
Student: Thanks.
Advisor: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Speaker 2:
Yes. The reading list is quite long. Where do you think I should start?
Advisor: Well, I’d suggest you leave the articles until the semester is underway. But a good preparation would be to look at some of the major texts. These ones here.
Student: In any particular order.
Advisor: You could start with this one by tower here at the bottom of the page.
Student: Sorry, who?
Advisor: Q27 Tower (T O W E R) 2007 Comparative education that should give you a good basis. Then move on to Elliot Educational issues of the new millennium. But be sure to get the Q28 2008 edition, not the original 1998 edition, because so much has changed since 1998. The new edition has extensive revisions on a lot of new material.
Student: Okay, so that’s Tower first, then Elliot. I think I could handle a couple more over the summer break.
Advisor: Well, in that case, look for Brown’s Education and Globalization, published in 2009. Actually, there are quite a few books by Q29 Brown, but I’d start with that one and leave his others till much later and are also really recommend this one here, Globalization and Q30 Knowledge Policy by York, published quite recently in fact, 2010.