MAN: Hello, you are through to the complaints department at Clifton Antiques. Before we begin I’ll just need to take a few details from you. Is that okay?
WOMAN: Yes, of course, no problem.
MAN: Okay, can I please have your full name?
WOMAN: My name is Anna Lumley. That’s Anna L-U-M-L-E-Y.
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MAN: Right and could you give me a contact number? Which we can use to reach you during the week.

WOMAN: My mobile phone number is Q1 077876345.

MAN: Okay great. How can I help you today Anna?

WOMAN: I ordered a large number of items from you last week on the 20th of Q2 February and was expecting them to be delivered on the Q2 27th. However, only half of the shipment has arrived I just want to make sure that they haven’t been lost in transit.

MAN: Right, okay I’m sorry for the inconvenience, let me track the parcel and see if I can find out when you should expect to receive the rest of your items. And what did you list as a delivery address?

WOMAN: I arranged for the parcel to be delivered from your Warehouse on Ardell Road to my work address at 235 akandale Road.

MAN: What was it, sorry?

WOMAN: 235 akandale Road. Q3 A-k-e-n-d-a-l-e.

MAN: East C.

WOMAN: Yes, East Sea.

MAN: Right okay. I found your parcel here on our system. I can see that you’ve received your shipment. However, nothing is mentioned about the missing items. I would advise that you wait for two days and if the other items don’t arrive then it may be necessary for you to claim insurance coverage for the value of the items. How much are the missing items worth?

WOMAN: They cost me 34,500 dollars.

MAN: Well, the insurance company will cover you for ten percent of the value so you could claim Q4 3,450 from them, just fill in the form on our website. And when the loss is confirmed you’ll receive the money within one week. We will refund the rest of the money to you within a month. So you won’t suffer a financial loss.

WOMAN: That sounds fine.

MAN: I’ll just need to take a list of the missing items from you. So we can check it against our records. Is that okay?

WOMAN: Sure, no problem. Unfortunately, I lost the items are one of a kind and therefore Irreplaceable there were some small items such as lamps and chairs. That aren’t very valuable however there was a large item of antique furniture, and a bag for a first edition Q5 books which were among the first ever to be printed on a press.

MAN: Right, okay. Is there anything else?

WOMAN: Yes, I also purchased a Victorian rocking course for my daughter. Some large oil Q6 paintings originating from the Edwardian period and a few decorative fruit bowls.

MAN: Right, okay. I’ve taken a list of your missing items so I’ll phone the warehouse to see if any of them are lying around.

WOMAN: Ah, I almost forgot there were a couple of other pieces that I’ve spotted on your website and would like to order. Can I do that now?

MAN: Of course, no problem. Can you give me a description of the items that you’re looking to purchase?

WOMAN: There was a gold clock and a golden-framed vintage Q7 mirror.

MAN: Okay perfect. I’ll charge the items to the payment card that you used before and they should be delivered to you within the next week. Is there anything else, that I can do for you today?

WOMAN: Yes to the items that I received in the shipment are damaged, so I need to make a claim for a partial refund.

MAN: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I need to take down a few details of the actual damage over the phone. Before you put in a full report, can you tell me which pieces are damaged?

WOMAN: A draw is missing from the antique mahogany Q8 desk and there is also a dent on one of the corners so it’s unusable.

MAN: I see. Any idea of the price of repairing it?

WOMAN: No well, I don’t think it can be repaired. I will need a new one.

MAN: Okay, I’ll make a note of that and we’ll see what we can do. Anything else?

WOMAN: I also purchased a set of dining chairs with navy leather padding. However, the color is faded and one of the Q9 leg has completely split down the middle.

MAN: Okay, are there any other damaged pieces?

WOMAN: Yes, I purchased a set of Chinese Crockery to furnish my dining room table. However, when I open the box I found that a cup was missing and that some Q10 plates had smashed, four actually.

MAN: And is that all of the items?

WOMAN: Yes, I think that’s all.

MAN: Right. I’ll calculate the value of the damaged items and we’ll issue you a refund.

WOMAN: Okay, thank you so much for your help.

MAN: No problem at all, it was my pleasure. Goodbye.

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