Good morning everyone. Welcome to the second lecture in our series on modern technology. Today I’ll be discussing the recent developments in nanotechnology in addition to its applications in a number of environments such as domestic and medical. First of all, I’d like to begin with a short explanation of what nanotechnology is. It is the manipulation of matter on an atomic molecular and super molecular scale. Because of its limitless applications and uses the government has invested billions of dollars into the research and development of nanotechnology in order to explore its potential.
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It is only recently that we have been able to engage in the development of nanotechnology since particles are so minuscule that a new type of Q31 microscope had to be invented to enable us to see them. Many of you may not realize that we all use nanotechnology in our homes, as a part of our daily lives. For example, a new dietary supplement uses nanotechnology in order to help our body to absorb Q32 iron from our diet more efficiently which can help to prevent anemia. This technology also makes it easier and cheaper for factories to produce foods such as Q33 chocolates. As the nano molecules help the food to meet our recommended daily intake of certain vitamins and minerals. This may sound odd but, in fact, it just means that the food is healthier and cheaper and has increased Q34 flavour. Another application for nanotechnology is in the agriculture industry. In the past farmers have been using many artificial chemicals to fertilize the soil, which is extremely bad for the planet as it contaminates the water that we drink. By using nanotechnology scientists have been able to develop a spray which increases the efficiency of Q35 fertilisers that occur naturally in the soil. This means that a lot more food can now be produced per square hectare making it cheaper and more efficient to grow without harming the planet.
One of the industries upon which nanotechnology has had the biggest impact is the production of pharmaceuticals. One of the most commonly occurring illnesses is food poisoning as many foods have naturally occurring contaminants that can be harmful if eaten without being thoroughly cooked. Nanotechnology makes it possible for us to sterilize the food and make it safe to eat by killing these Q36 bacteria. A major success in the use of nanotechnology in the medical field is in the treatment of cancer. Researchers have found that they can attach medicine to nanoparticles which are then injected into the body and enable the therapeutic Q37 drugs to be absorbed into the veins. These drugs then travel throughout the blood system and target cancerous tumors. Scientists have also discovered that certain metals contain nanoparticles that have antibacterial qualities with the ability to destroy over 650 types of bacteria. These metals are used for example on fridges to prevent the growth of bacteria. They can even be woven into materials to create clothing that is self-cleaning and has an attractive metallic appearance. The most popular of these materials contains Q38 silver which naturally has the strongest antibacterial qualities these clothes have a special tag on them to show that they use nanotechnology so keep a look out for them next time you go shopping. Another observation made by some researchers showed that certain types of nanoparticles called splifferines can destroy fat tissues and therefore stimulate fat loss without the need for dieting or exercise. They are currently developing a supplement that can be ingested in order to help dieters with their Q39 weight loss programs it is predicted that these supplements will be on the market by 2020.
I would like to finish today’s lecture with a final example of a domestic application for nanotechnology cosmetics. Nanoparticles are used in many makeups and body lotions but they have the greatest effect in sun cream. Ultraviolet rays given off by the Q40 sun are a serious cause of skin cancer but the nanoparticles in sun cream protect the skin against the sun by blocking the ultraviolet radiation from entering the body this is why you must always wear suntan lotion on the beach.
Now I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have…
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