Curator: A very good afternoon to you all, ladies and gentlemen! I’m glad you’ve chosen to visit the prestigious Triton Museum of Art today and I’ll look forward to showing you around. But first, I would just like you to refer to the maps of the museum that you picked up on your way In.

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Now… where you picked up your maps is just to the left, as you enter the building, outside the Museum Store. By the way, the Store Is a great place to pick up some souvenirs before you leave. Oh and if anyone wants to leave a coat in the Q11 cloakroom, (E) then please feel free to do so at no extra charge. It’s just over there on the other side of the entrance to the Museum Store. OK… So this nice spacious area we’re now standing In is the Rotunda. It contains some of the museum’s most striking sculptures. From here you gain access to all the museum. Leading off from the Rotunda are the Warburton Gallery and our other large gallery that houses a permanent art collection. We’ll be starting our tour actually in the Q12 Permanent Collection Gallery (F) as it’s the nearest of the two galleries to the entrance. We’ll make our way afterwards to the other gallery I mentioned, as it’s right next door. Oh, the smaller room behind the Warburton Gallery that you see on your maps is just a Q13 storage space (G) for the museum and access is blocked off to the public by a railing across the entrance to that area. So now, where were we? Ah yes… After we’ve visited those galleries which will take us a good hour as there are so many interesting exhibits to see, we’ll make our way back across the Rotunda and visit the Q14 Cowell Room (A). It’s right at the far end of the museum on the opposite side of the Rotunda to the Warburton and Permanent Collection galleries. It’s one of the museum highlights and contains some high quality contemporary art exhibits. Oh… I’m so sorry, I forgot to point out the ladles and gents toilets, earlier. They’re just before you get to the Cowell Room and are adjacent to the Museum Store. Don’t go into the room opposite the toilets. That’s our Q15 staffroom area and kitchen (B)! Right… so that’s all you need to know for the moment… Let’s begin the tour!

Well, I hope you all found the tour Interesting. If any of you would like to become a patron of the museum, you can request Q16 information from the Museum Store. Being a patron entitles you to special discounts on visiting exhibitions and first refusal on tickets to special events. You will also be the first to know about our museum events as you are automatically placed on the museum’s mailing list.

You can choose to become a ‘Gold’, ‘Silver’ or ‘Bronze’ patron of the museum. ‘Gold’ patrons are also permitted free entry for one accompanying guest. However, all patrons can receive year-round benefits that are not enjoyed by non-patrons.

Having said all that, I would now like to announce some very special news. Next year will be our centenary celebrations. It’s hard to believe It but the museum was founded over 100 years ago! Accordingly, we will be seeing in the New Year in style with a special Masked Ball. This has been organised in Q17 response to a special request from some of our patrons. Plans have yet to be finalised for this one-off event, but a ‘themed’ Q18 Masked Ball has been suggested, the idea being that guests come in the guise of famous artists, past or present. One exciting event that has been confirmed is the Summer Garden Party. We are anticipating a lot of interest for this one so it’s best to book well In advance. Whilst the tickets are by no means cheap, we like to think that the price reflects the quality of the event. Amongst the many treats we have in store for you is a live orchestra playing in the museum’s gardens which are to the back of the main building. It is weather permitting of course. Again we are dependent on good weather in order for the barbeque to take place. Alternatively, a sit-down meal will be provided in the Cowell Room. Everything from the entertainment to the food is included in the ticket price so there are no hidden extras!

Now, having given you a round-up of the highlights of next year’s social events, let’s go on to the artistic highlights of next month. Coming up shortly is Euan Bailey’s Q20 newest installation ‘Light and Sound Waves‘. Always thought-provoking, his previous installations have been very well-received. We will also have Hamish Barnes here for the first time as artist-in-residence. He will be encouraging visitors to adopt a more ‘hands-on’ approach to art! Finally, last but not least, we will be exhibiting the work of Sean Long, who will be making his artistic debut. His work will be on show in the Warburton Gallery over the summer period. We are anticipating a large attendance at his exhibition.

Well, that’s all from me. I look forward to seeing you at one or maybe all of our events. It’s certainly going to be an action-packed year for the museum, both culturally and socially!

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