IELTS LISTENING – Notes on A Part-time Society S54T1

IELTS LISTENING S54T1 Notes on A Part-time Society WOMAN: Hello this is the Leighton Society, how can I help?   MAN: Oh hello, I’m just phoning you because I’m interested in becoming a member of your society and I was wondering if you could give me some more information.   WOMAN: Of course, what would […]

IELTS LISTENING – A Survey Research S53T4

IELTS LISTENING S53T4 A Survey Research Good morning today I’d like to discuss the results of our patient survey. We have reviewed the data collected in order to measure the strengths and weaknesses of our hospital and to determine potential future plans for improvement. the first question on the survey attempted to determine the main […]


IELTS LISTENING S53T2 CITY MUSEUM DIRECTOR: Good morning ladies and gentlemen silence please. We are now ready to start the meeting. I have called this meeting to discuss city museum matters as there have been a number of changes made and I want to ensure that you are all fully informed there will be time […]

IELTS LISTENING – Willows Studies S53T3

IELTS LISTENING S53T3 Willows Studies PROFESSOR: Before we start Tom and Bella, thanks for coming in today to talk about the key case studies that will help you to understand your classwork better. Now I hope you’ve read the notes I gave you last week on the furniture company willows as this will be the […]