Music Clubs
A Whitehay youth music is intended for anyone aged between 6 and 14 who is keen to perform in public. The club is limited to 30 members at any time, and we operate a waiting list for membership . Two concerts are performed every year and every member takes part .
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Members must have reached at least an intermediate standard on their instrument. The group meets in the jubilee Hall on Wednesday evenings during term time for rehearsals and for workshops in which members learn how to improve their playing.
B Whitehay music club brings together music lovers from around the district, for enjoyable evenings of food and music. We meet monthly in members ‘ homes, and during the evening we have a buffet meal and listen to recordings of both well-known and not so well-known music music.usic is preceded by a brief talk providing background information about the composers and the music . Every few months we organise a coach trip to a musical event within a radius of 50 km.
C Whitehay philharmonic is an amateur orchestra, founded in 1954 . Two or three times a year , it performs a wide range of music to large and appreciative audiences from the area , in the towns jubilee Hall . New members are always welcome , and can take part in rehearsals , althrough there may not be room for everyone to perform in the concerts. Because the orchestra only partly finances its performances through ticket sales , members with marketing experience are particularly welcome, in order to build sales.
D Whitehay music society is primarily a fundraising group that organises a range of money-making activities -from steal collections to seeking sponsorship from local businesses. The money raised is used to support professional musicians if , for example , illness prevents them from earning a living , As a member , you will receive a monthly newsletter describing our work, and containing details of concerts, operas and other performances , both locally and nationally . Everybody is welcome to join the society : children are particularly welcome, along with their parents.