The diagram below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


IELTS SIMULATOR FREE GENERAL TRAINING ONLINE WRITING – the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon S17AT1 IELTS SIMULATION



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One Response

  1. The diagrams illustrate the life cycle and varying sizes of the salmon, a sizable fish species.

    In essence, the salmon undergoes three key stages of development: fry, smolt, and adult. Each stage is accompanied by changes in size and habitat.

    Initially, salmon eggs are deposited in the upper river, characterized by slow-moving waters, and are nestled among small stones and reeds. After a span of 5 to 6 months, the eggs hatch into fry, measuring approximately 3 to 8 cm in length. These young salmon then undertake a migration downstream to the faster-flowing lower river. Following an approximate four-year period, they progress to the smolt stage, during which they prepare for the subsequent journey to the sea.

    As smolt, their length increases to around 12 to 15 cm. Over a span of nearly five years, they continue to develop until they reach adulthood. At this stage, adult salmon reach a considerable size of 70 to 76 cm. Subsequently, they instinctively navigate their way back to the upper river, retracing their path, in order to spawn and perpetuate the cycle.

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