Hadley Park Community Gardens Project
Manager: Good morning. It’s great to see so many people here. Thank you all very much for coming. Well, as you know, the community gardens that Hadley Park are really not looking as good as they should. Quite bad, really and although the local council has a budget to deal with some of the problems, we do need volunteers for other tasks. If you don’t mind, I’m going to divide you into two groups. So everyone on this side of the room is Group A and the rest of you, are group B. So Group A there are a couple of things we’d like you to help. First of all, don’t worry about any litter or empty bottles you see lying about one-off. The local schools has offered to help out with that as part of their own environmental project.
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Q11 The priority for you will be to give us a hand with the new wooden fencing it needs constructing along parts of the bicycle track as there are parts which have now fallen down or broken. As I’m sure you’ve seen, you probably also noticed that some of the pathways that come from the bicycle track are quite narrow, and there are plans to make them wider. But the council will be dealing with that later in the year and they’ve also promised to produce some informational signs about the plants in the gardens. Hopefully, they’ll be up in a few weeks time. The other thing Q12 we’re doing is getting rid of some of the foreign species that are growing in the gardens on putting back from native plants and trees. So you’ll be doing some digging for us and getting those into the ground. So Group A, there’s some items you’ll need to bring along with you. I was going to say raincoats, but the forecast has changed so you can leave those at home. I definitely recommend a strong pair of Q13 boots. Waterproof would be best. It’s quite muddy at the moment on your own. Q14 Gloves would also be advisable. Tools will be available, spades and hammers, that kind of thing. You just need to make sure they go back in the trucks and oh, there’s no need to worry about food and drink as well. Be supplying sandwiches and coffee possibly some biscuits.
Even Okay, Group B, your turn. Does everyone have a copy of the plan? Oh, great. Okay, we’ll all be meeting in the car park that’s on the bottom of the plan see. Now, if you’ve been assigned to the vegetable beds to get there, you go out of the car park and go up the footpath until you reach the circle of trees. Q15 There they are in the middle of the plan, and you see that the footpath goes all the way around them. Well, on the left-hand side of that circular footpath, there’s a short track which takes you directly to the vegetable beds. You could see a bamboo fence mark just above them. All right. Okay. If you’re helping out with the bee hives, pay attention. Look again at the circle of trees in the middle of the plan and the footpath that goes around them. On the right side of that circle, you can see that the footpath goes off in an easterly direction, heading towards the right-hand side of the plan. And then the party splits into two and you can either go up or down. Q16 You want the path that heads down, and at the end of this, you see two areas divided by a bamboo fence. And as we’re looking at the plan, the bee hives are on the right of the fence. The smaller section, I mean, now, don’t worry. All these have been removed. You just need to transport the hives back to the car park. Okay for this eating, Q17 look at the circular footpath at the top of it. There’s a path that goes from there on takes you up to the seating area alongside the bicycle track. And, with a good view of the island, has suppose. Okay, if you’re volunteering for the adventure playground area, Q18 let’s start from the car park again and go up the footpath but then you want the first left hand. Go out there and then you see, there’s a short part that goes off to the right. Go down there. And that’s the adventure playground area above the bamboo fence. That fence does need repairing, I’m afraid. Right. What else? Oh, yes, the sand area. We’ve got that circular footpath in the middle. Q19 Find the track that goes east towards the right-hand side of the plan. On where that track divides, you need the little path that goes up towards the bicycle track. The sand area is just above the bamboo fence there. And finally, Q20 the pond area. So it’s on the left-hand side of your plan towards the top, just above the fruit bushes, and to the left of the little path. Okay. As I said already, hopefully, will be.