Roger Brown
Caroline : Good morning. Youth Council. Caroline speaking.
Roger Brown : Oh, hello. I’m interested in standing for election to the Youth Council. And, I was told to give you a call.
Attempt full listening test…
Caroline: That’s good. Could I have your name, please?
Roger Brown: Yes, It’s Roger Brown.
Caroline: Thank you. I’m Caroline, the youth council administrator. So do you know much about what the council does? Roger,
Roger Brown: I’ve talked to Stephanie. I think she’s the chair of the council.
Caroline: That’s right
Roger Brown: And she told me a lot about it. How? It’s a way for young people to discuss local issues, for example, and make suggestions to the Town Council. That’s what made me interested.
Caroline: Fine. Well, let me take down some of your details. First of all, how old are you? You know, the council is for young people aged from 13 to 18.
Roger Brown: I’ve just turned 18
Caroline: Where do you live, Roger?
Roger Brown: Well, that’s a bit complicated at the moment. I’m looking for a flat to rent here, so I’m in a Q1 hostel from Monday to Friday. I go back to my parent’s place at the weekend.
Caroline: Okay, So where’s the best place to send you some information about the council?
Roger Brown: Oh, to my parent’s address, please. That’s 17 Q2 Buckleigh Street B U C K l E I G H Street, Stamford Lincolnshire though you don’t really need the county.
Caroline: Oh, I know Stamford – its a lovely town on What’s the postcode?
Roger Brown: Q3 pe97qt
Caroline: Right. Thank you. So are you working here or are you a student?
Roger Brown: I started studying at the university a couple of weeks ago and I’ve got a part-time job for a few hours a week.
Caroline: What you did?
Roger Brown: Well, I’ve done several different things. I’ve just finished a short-term contract as a courier, and now I’m working as a Q4 waiter in one of the big hotels.
Caroline: I can’t leave you much time for studying.
Roger Brown: Oh, it’s not too bad. I managed to fit it all in.
Caroline: What are you studying?
Roger Brown: My ambition is to go into Parliament eventually. So my major subject is Q5 politics. That’s partly why I think the Youth Council is important. And want to be a part of it.
Caroline: And I suppose you’re also taking a minor subject, aren’t you? I know a lot of people study economics to
Roger Brown: I chose history. To be honest, I’m not finding it as interesting as I expected.
Caroline: Okay. So with your studying on your part-time job, do you have time for any other interests or hobbies?
Roger Brown: Well, I spent quite a lot of time Q6 cycling both around town to get to university and to work and also long distance from here to London, for instance.
Caroline: That’s pretty impressive. Anything else
Roger Brown: for relaxation? I’m also keen on the Q7 cinema I used to go at least once a week, but I can’t manage to go so often now.
Caroline: Right? Are you sure you’ll have enough time for the youth council?
Roger Brown: Yes, I’ve worked out that I can afford to reduce my hours at work, and that will make the time.
Caroline: So is there any particular aspect of the youth council’s work that appeals to you? Roger.
Roger Brown: Well, my sister is blind, so I’m particularly interested in working with Q8 disabled young people to try and improve the quality of their lives.
Caroline: That’s great. Well, the best way to get involved is to be nominated by some people who you know,
Roger Brown: right. Can you tell me how to set about organizing that?
Caroline: You should talk to Jeffrey, our elections officer. I can arrange a meeting in the council office with him if you like.
Roger Brown: Yes, please.
Caroline: He’ll be here next Monday if that suits you.
Roger Brown: That’s the 14th isn’t it?
Caroline: Yes.
Roger: I can manage late afternoon.
Caroline: Would you like to suggest a time? He generally leaves around 5 30
Roger Brown: Well, would Q9 4.30 be okay? My last class finishes at four. So would have plenty of time to get to your office.
Caroline: Right. That’s fine. Oh, and could I have a phone number we can contact you on?
ROGER: Yes, my mobile number’s Q10 07788136711
CAROLINE: Thank you. Well, we’ll look forward to seeing you next week.
ROGER: Thanks very much. Goodbye.