IELTS SIMULATOR ONLINE IELTS LISTENING - The 'weak-tie' theory: how friends-of-friends influence us S10T4 FREE COMPUTER DELIVERED ONLINE IELTS SIMULATION Best BAND7 IELTS Dehradun IELTS online simulator IELTS BAND 7 Coaching Classes

The ‘weak-tie’ theory: how friends-of-friends influence us

Lecturer: Good morning. Today we’re thinking about the way that technology is influencing our social structures and the way we interact with one another. Humans, as we know, have always lived in groups. Without this arrangement, our species would have died out long ago. But now the way we see and define our group is changing. I’d like to start by mentioning the research of American sociologist Mark Grannovetter in 1973. It was granted better, who first coined the term weak ties, which he used to refer to people’s loose acquaintances.

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