Wildlife Conservation Society
WOMAN: Wildlife Conservation Society good afternoon can I help you?
MAN: Oh hello. Yes, I’d like to join please.
WOMAN: Oh yes certainly. I’ll just get some details from you. Could I have your name?
MAN: Michael Jones.
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WOMAN: Right. And can I ask where you heard about us? Was it in an advert or did a friend tell you or…

MAN: Neither actually, it was Q1 a radio program. Then I just got your number from the phone book.

WOMAN: Oh right. Now I need some membership details. It’s Michael Jones and the address?

MAN: 21 Beale Street.

MAN: Leeds.

WOMAN: Fine. And do you know your postcode?

MAN: Yes, it’s uh Q2 LS14 2JW.

WOMAN: Okay. And do you have a daytime telephone number we can contact you on?

MAN: Yeah, you call me at work the numbers, 0-1-1-7-3-5-8-6-4-2 and I can give you my office email address if you like.

WOMAN: That’ll probably be useful, yes please.

MAN: It’s Q3

WOMAN: Is that h-e-n-n-i-n-g-s?

MAN: That’s right.

WOMAN: Thank you, now just need to ask you some questions about exactly what you want. First of all how long do you want the membership for we do Q4 two, three, and five year memberships and we also do one for Life.

MAN: Uh, I think I’ll just get the minimum length this time around.

WOMAN: Fine and then the type of Q5 membership we do single, joint, or family which covers up to four children.

MAN: Well, we haven’t got any children, but I think I’ll get the Q5 joint one because my wife will probably want to do the activities with me.

WOMAN: Yes fine, let me see. That’ll be Q6 49 pounds altogether then please.

WOMAN: How would you like to pay?

MAN: By direct debit.

WOMAN: No problem. I just need your bank details. Can you give me the name first?

MAN: Uh, 0-1-0-5-9-6-1-2.

WOMAN: Okay, when would you like to start payment? Next month from the first of Q8 October or…

MAN: Can you make it the Q8 15th instead?

WOMAN: No problem the membership will begin then too is that all right?

MAN: That’s fine.

WOMAN: I just give you a reference number in case there’s any problem. Have you got a pen?

MAN: Yes.

WOMAN: It’s Q9 JYZ37. And we’ll be sending you an information pack within a few days. Is there anything else?

MAN: Uh oh yes could you send me an additional one I’ve got a friend who’s very interested.

WOMAN: Certainly, no problem I make a note of that. There’s also a Q10 video we can send you if you like, there’s no charge.

MAN: Yes please that’ll be great.

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